Arsha Bharath

In an innovative attempt, ARSHABHARATH organized the first ever National Workshop on ‘Agrarian Spirituality’. The program, conducted from 22 to 24 October 2015, was attended by 25 delegates from the states of Telengana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The main objective of the workshop was to develop fresh insights on the nature and dynamics of farming, problems faced by agriculture in India and return to eco-friendly natural farming as the most efficacious remedy for the ills of the farming sector. The sessions, consisting in presentations by resource persons, followed by discussion, led to the emergence of consensus that the voluntary sector has the historic mission of educating the farmers on the practice of natural farming and doing advocacy work on their behalf with the governments. The three-day event ended with the resolution to conduct a follow-up program to delve deeper into some of the issues highlighted during the workshop and work out a consensus on the proposed coalition for future action.

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